The Massachusetts Save Program provides a variety of rebates and other incentives to help homeowners improve their energy efficiency. While air conditioning and furnace systems have been the focus of these programs in the past, heat pumps are now receiving a significant amount of attention.

Unlike traditional heating and cooling equipment, heat pumps mass save heat pump rebates are powered by electricity: which, as you may know, is becoming more and more often produced from renewable resources like solar and wind power. Using a heat pump is an excellent way to reduce your carbon footprint while also making your home more comfortable and more cost-effective to run, especially in winter.

While these technologies can be expensive to install, Mass Save is currently offering a wide range of discounts and rebates for new heat pump installations. These rebates can cover as much as 80 percent of the cost of a new heat pump system, with savings on future utility bills as well.

To find out if you’re eligible for a heat pump rebate, check out the Mass Save website or talk to your contractor. They can tell you what kinds of equipment are eligible, and whether or not you can use the system to meet your specific needs.

How to apply for a heat pump rebate:

After you’ve purchased a new heat pump system, you must send in a completed Mass Save rebate form and dated invoices. You can submit these by mail or online, and the process should take between six and eight weeks.

If you’re a low-income household, you might qualify for additional rebates on top of the standard Mass Save heat pump rebate. This is called the Enhanced Heat & Cooling Equipment Rebate.

This rebate can be up to $16,000 if you replace your oil, propane, or electric resistance heating system with an air source heat pump. It’s also possible to get a separate rebate if you install integrated controls. These are smart thermostats that will switch between your fossil fuel system and a heat pump depending on outdoor temperature, which can be a big help to people who want to use their existing heating systems in conjunction with a heat pump.

You can also finance your heat pump installation with a Mass Save HEAT Loan. This is offered at 0% interest for up to 7 years, and can be financed through a participating bank or credit union.

Adding insulation to your home is a great way to improve your heating and cooling performance, as well as cut your utility bills. The Mass Save weatherization rebate can pay up to $2,000 for installing insulation and up to $500 for air sealing if you’re a low-income household.

Before submitting your application, you can check to make sure that your heat pump system meets the required standards for a rebate by visiting the Mass Save site. They provide a list of heat pumps that are eligible, including their ENERGY STAR rating and efficiency levels.

To receive the rebate, you must have your heat pump installed by a registered and approved Mass Save contractor. The rebate payment will be sent directly to the contractor, so you’ll need to designate this person as your payee on your application.