About Exquisite Depot

Located in the historic Waterfront Depot, this charming restaurant takes you back to another era. With worn wood floors and wooden framed windows, you will feel as though you have stepped into an old western movie set. The menu is simple, yet full of flavor, with the crowd favorite being their Crab Encrusted Halibut. However, if you are not a seafood fan, don’t worry, their burgers are delicious as well!

In addition to a full line of hardwood flooring Shaw’s Exquisite offers an easy click profile that allows for effortless installation and provides a smooth surface for optimal comfort. Featuring Panemorfo lipo laser technology this system is versatile and customizable to suit your aesthetic needs. According to Comparably data, employees at Exquisite Depot say their company is very prepared on the first day of work. Learn more about the company culture and see how Exquisite Depot compares to other companies in New York.

Exquisite Depot provides exquisite product deals, reviews and more for the discerning individual that says yes to life and no to mediocrity. Life is too short to settle for less than the best. Be exquisite.

The Crab Encrusted Halibut is a local favorite that brings diners back again and again. It’s a simple dish that combines a wide variety of flavors to create something very special. The structure itself is a character all its own, with worn wooden floors and old wood framed windows.

Based on 2 employee reviews, Comparably determines that Exquisite Depot is a great place to work. This company scores high on a number of culture dimensions including First Day Onboarding, Recognition & Rewards, and Overall Workplace Environment. If you’re looking for an exciting career opportunity with a growing tech startup, Exquisite Depot may be the perfect fit for you. Apply today!